About Ljiljana Madzarevic

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So far Ljiljana Madzarevic has created 81 blog entries.
13 Apr


Stankovic and Partners ranked in all categories by Legal 500

Legal 500 Europe, Middle East and Africa 2022 edition has just announced the results of the extensive research of the legal market, and we are delighted to announce that Stankovic & Partners has been ranked in all categories.

The firm has been ranked particularly in the area of Dispute Resolution, due to “an outstanding reputation for dispute resolution” and for being “well known for working on some of the highest profile matters in the Serbian market”. Senior Partner Nenad Stankovic has been named a leading individual, while Sara Pendjer’s work in the field has been once again recognized, as she is a rising star in dispute resolution.

Our dedication to the clients has been confirmed by rankings in Banking and Finance, Commercial Corporate and M&A, Employment, Intellectual Property, Projects & Energy and Real Estate & Construction. Legal 500 has categorized our competition team as a ‘go-to adviser in Serbia‘. The practice is co-led by named partner Nenad Stankovic, whose track record includes handling cartel and abuse of dominance cases and merger clearances, and of counsel Milos Androvic, whose expertise covers cases involving abuse of dominance and restrictive agreements, merger control and corporate compliance. It has also been confirmed that Mitar Simonovic is ‘building an impressive competition practice‘, and that Luka Marosiuk’s broad practice includes real estate, energy, infrastructure and insurance-related financings.

We are particularly glad that our clients see that we cover all the areas of law that their companies  need, where our lawyers are perceived as responsive and knowledgeable, and collaboration as smooth and fast.

The Legal 500 – The Clients Guide to Law Firms

11 Apr

Panel diskusija na temu iz oblasti digitalizacije i zaštite podataka o ličnosti – privatni sektor dobija pristup podacima kojima raspolažu javne institucije


Dana 08.04.2022. godine u prostorijama hotela Hilton održana je panel diskusija o digitalizaciji i zaštiti podataka o ličnosti, u organizaciji NSTLAW i Japanske poslovne alijanse u Srbiji, uz podršku Kanadsko-srpskog poslovnog udruženja i Slovenačkog poslovnog kluba.

Panel diskusija je otvorena nakon uvodne reči gđe. Milene Argirović, rukovodioca JBAS grupe za zdravstvo, direktorke predstavništva Takeda GmbH za Srbiju, Albaniju, Makedoniju, Kosovo i Crnu Goru, koja je posebno istakla značaj digitalizacije u savremenom svetu.

Nakon toga se prisutnima obratio advokat Nenad Stanković, osnivač i stariji partner u Advokatskoj kancelariji Stanković & partneri koji je predstavio značaj usklađenosti poslovanja sa propisima koji regulišu zaštitu podataka o ličnosti i kompleksnost regulative u polju digitalizacije. U panel diskusiji je učestvovao i g. Dejan Kovačević, Savetnik za digitalno zdravstvo u Vladi Republike Srbije, kabinet predsednice Vlade, koji je predstavio prioritete digitalizacije zdravstva kao i ključne izazove koje je potrebno prevazići radi uspešnog sprovođenja digitalizacije u zdravstvu.

Kao jedan od posebnih ciljeva, g. Dejan Kovačević je istakao uspostavljanje bezbedne i integrisane informaciono-komunikacione infrastrukture i elektronskih usluga za obezbeđivanje kvalitetnije i efikasnije zdravstvene zaštite. Dodatno, g. Dejan Kovačević je predstavio i dalje aktivnosti koji se odnose na usvajanje Akcionog plana digitalizacije zdravstva, dok je istakao da je Program digitalizacije zdravstva već usvojen za period 2022-2026. Istaknuto je i da je potrebno izmeniti oko sedam zakona i 30 propisa kako bi se uskladili sa regulativom zaštite podataka o ličnosti.

Učesnicima se kao panelista obratio i profesor dr Andrej Savin, direktor Poslovne škole u Kopenhagenu, koji se u svom izlaganju osvrnuo na primenu GDPR-a, te razliku u primeni digitalizacije u javnom sektoru i u poslovne svrhe.

Panel diskusiji je prisustvovalo više od 50 učesnika, predstavnika kompanija iz farmaceutskog, građevinskog i sektora osiguranja kao i predstavnika sektora robe široke potrošnje.

Učesnici su imali prilike da aktivno učestvuju u diskusiji, […]

Panel diskusija na temu iz oblasti digitalizacije i zaštite podataka o ličnosti – privatni sektor dobija pristup podacima kojima raspolažu javne institucije2022-04-11T12:40:07+02:00
4 Apr

Šta donose izmene Zakona o privrednim društvima?


Šta su to politike naknada i šta one podrazumevaju? Koje su nove obaveze određenih lica (lica sa posebnim dužnostima u društvu) u slučaju zaključenja pravnog posla ili preduzimanja radnje u kojima postoji lični interes? Koji su to novi razlozi za pokretanje prinudne likvidacije, a kakva je uloga savetnika za glasanje/rukovodioca imovine i institucionalnog investitora, samo su neke od tema o kojima je bilo reči na radnom doručku održanom prošle nedelje u organizaciji Slovenačkog poslovnog kluba i Advokatske kancelarije Stanković & Partneri, na kojem se diskutovalo o najnovijim izmenama i dopuna Zakona o privrednim društvima.

Učesnike panel diskusije je u uvodnoj reči pozdravila Danijela Fišakov, predsednica Slovenačkog poslovnog kluba. Nakon toga su se predstavnicima različitih industrija obratili advokati Anđelka Radovanović, Mitar Simonović i Luka Marosiuk ispred advokatske kancelarije Stanković & Partneri. Andjelka Radovanović je svoj deo izlaganja posvetila novim obavezama za lica koja imaju posebne dužnosti u društvu, politici naknada direktorima i članovima nadzornog odbora u javnim akcionarskim društvima i novim razlozima za prinudnu likvidaciju. Mitar Simonović se osvrnuo na nove obaveze za sve privredne subjekte u pogledu sedišta i eUprave, nove odredbe koje se tiču pristupanja novog člana u društvo sa ograničenom odgovornošću, kao i izmene u pogledu mogućnosti da izvršni direktori u akcionarskim društvima budu ograničeni supotpisom, te nove privredne prestupe i kaznene odredbe.

Kupovina stečajnog dužnika kao pravnog lica, mogućnosti da jedini zakonski zastupnik društva bude pravno lice, posledice ništavosti ugovora o prenosu udela, izmene u akcionarskim društvima kao što su određenje za šta tačno može da se koristi emisiona premija, novine u pogledu odobrenog kapitala, mogućnosti  da javno akcionarsko društvo povećava osnovni kapital putem konverzije duga, pravo društva da identifikuje krajnje akcionare, kao i razlici između krajnjeg korisnika, akcionara i posrednika, obaveze društva u postupku prinudnog otkupa akcija su neke od mnogobrojnih […]

Šta donose izmene Zakona o privrednim društvima?2022-04-04T15:51:10+02:00
24 Mar



On the occasion of Belgrade Open pre – moot, supported by our law firm, our colleague Sara Pendjer (in the capacity of co – chair of under 40 section of Arbitration Association) is taking part in organization of the panel: Arbitration experts on experts in Arbitration. Five renowned arbitration practitioners will discuss the selection, role and work with experts in international arbitration. Attendance is free of charge, but pre-registration is mandatory.

Do not miss this opportunity to hear these eminent international practitioners, but also to enjoy the tour of the Historical Museum of Serbia.

For more information, please see the image below.

21 Mar

Lawyers of NSTLAW participated in the training organized by the ICC and PwC



Sara Pendjer and Luka Marosiuk participated in the virtual training organized by ICC Croatia and PwC on the cross-examination of the financial experts in international arbitration.


The ICC Croatia Commission for Arbitration and ADR and PwC organized Virtual Cross-Examination Training, last Wednesday. Participants were assigned to different roles – claimant, respondent or expert with a mock case. They had a chance to question financial expert witnesses about their report in front of the tribunal composed of well-known arbitration practitioners. This was a great opportunity for young practitioners to develop practical skills on how to cross examine experts in arbitration – formulate questions, draw conclusions and make compelling arguments before an arbitral tribunal.


Luka Marosiuk participated as a council for the respondent, whereas Sara Pendjer participated as arbitrator.


We once again wish to thank ICC Croatia and PwC for organizing this inspiring event, which was an extremely informative, enjoyable, and valuable training session. Additionally, we wish to thank all participants for their commitment to the training and their active involvement.

Lawyers of NSTLAW participated in the training organized by the ICC and PwC2022-03-21T14:42:17+01:00
18 Mar

Stankovic & Partners recognized by Chambers and Partners


We are pleased to share that Stankovic & Partners has once again been ranked in the most recent Chambers Europe Guide legal rankings.

Our firm has been recognized as Band 3 in Banking and Finance and Dispute Resolution. Our Senior Partner Nenad Stankovic has been ranked in Band 3 for Corporate/Commercial: Real Estate, Dispute Resolution and Employment, while out Senior Associate Sara Pendjer is ranked in Band 3 in Dispute Resolution.

Chambers Global Guide ranks top law firms and lawyers worldwide. Its selection process is based on an in – depth research, covering various practice areas in over 200 jurisdictions across the globe.

We sincerely thank all our clients and partners for their support.

Stankovic & Partners recognized by Chambers and Partners2022-03-18T13:35:49+01:00
7 Feb

Latest GDPR fine in the top 10 GDPR Fines


Continuing the increased focus on GDPR breaches, the year started intensively in terms of penalties relating to personal data protection.

The Italian Data Protection authority Garante published on 19th January 2022 its decision to impose a fine in the amount of €26,513,977 on Enel Energia S.p.a, a leading Italian multinational manufacturer and distributor of electricity and gas. The fine was for violating various GDPR provisions referring to aggressive telemarketing and this enters the top 10 GDPR worldwide fines so far.

As to the current ranking relating to GDPR fines, Amazon still holds the top spot with a fine of €746 million, followed by WhatsApp with a fine of €225 million.

Also, the French data protection authority CNIL published on 6th January 2022 decisions in which it imposed the following fines: Google LLC – €90 million, Google Ireland Limited – €60 million and Facebook Ireland Limited – €60 million for violating French Data Protection Act (la loi “Informatique et Libertés”) and EU e-Privacy directive also known as the “EU cookie law”, more precisely for failing to allow French users to easily reject cookie tracking technology.

Personal data protection is an increasingly current topic which will influence not only companies to comply with relevant legislation, but also the competent authorities to continue imposing high fines for violating provisions of this legislation.


For more information on how your company remains compliant please contact NST Law for further information.

Latest GDPR fine in the top 10 GDPR Fines2022-02-07T10:08:03+01:00
26 Jan

NSTLAW advises EBRD on Business Re-Organisation Assessment


NSTLAW provided assistance to the EBRD in preparing the Business Re-organisation Assessment for Montenegro.


This assessment focusses on the re-organisation procedure according to Montenegrin legislation. In this way the Bank and investors are informed about what they can expect when investing on a company in reorganization. According to the assessment, average duration of business reorganization in Montenegro is from six to nine months. Further, according to the data available from the website of the Commercial Court in 2020 there were 437 initiated bankruptcy proceedings, while there is no indication of the number of initiated re-organisation proceedings.


For more information please visit https://www.ebrd-restructuring.com/

NSTLAW advises EBRD on Business Re-Organisation Assessment2022-01-26T15:58:00+01:00
19 Jan

Hauzmajstor Executive buys into equity


NSTLAW advised the Rustler Group and its Serbian affiliate Hauzmajstor d.o.o. as well as local management on its Corporate Restructuring where manager entered the ownership structure of Hauzmajstor d.o.o.

The deal comprised of an existing Executive Director purchasing an equity interest in the company from its Austrian investors, new Corporate Governance and Shareholders Agreement.

Hauzmajstor d.o.o. is a real estate company managing assets of € 2.5 billion and one of the pioneers in the field of property facility management. Hauzmajstor d.o.o. is member of the well-known Austrian Rustler group. The Rustler Group is one of Europe’s main real estate service providers, boasting a turnover over € 50 million, an estimated € 10 billion of assets under management and more than 500 employees.

NSTLAW continues to provide legal support post deal and advises high net worth individuals and families worldwide with the accumulation, management, transfer and protection of personal wealth.

The team was led by Luka Marosiuk, Associate.

Hauzmajstor Executive buys into equity2022-01-19T16:30:30+01:00
17 Dec

Tijana Milisic joins NSTLAW as Junior Associate


NST LAW strengthened by addition of Tijana Milisic as a Junior Associate. Prior to joining the firm, she worked for another reputable law firm in Belgrade. Tijana is the qualified lawyer for more than 3 years and she will strengthen the Corporate and Data Protection team in particular.

Tijana Milisic joins NSTLAW as Junior Associate2021-12-17T16:30:03+01:00
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