About Ljiljana Madzarevic

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So far Ljiljana Madzarevic has created 81 blog entries.
14 Dec

Unwrapping the Eastern European Potential webinar moderated by Sara Pendjer


The  International Chamber of Commerce Young Arbitrators Forum is hosting a webinar on 16th  December 2021 at 4 p.m. CET. This session will be moderated by our own Sara Pendjer who has also received recognition as a arbitration future leader – non partner, by who is who.  The webinar will discuss opportunities in Eastern Europe relating to international arbitration. Registration is free of charge, but pre-registration is required. More details can be found on the following link.

Unwrapping the Eastern European Potential webinar moderated by Sara Pendjer2021-12-14T14:25:08+01:00
2 Dec

HR World Event


Belgrade was the host city of the largest regional HR conference last week. The five-day program organized by HR World had more than 150 speakers and 4,000 participants from around the world. This virtual event included inspiring input on topics such as strategic HR, people-centric HR, digital HR, HR development and C-suite day, when top management and HR experts provided their people management experience and stories.

During this time of constant change, the event was an excellent opportunity to share experiences and discuss possible solutions as all businesses face similar obstacles. Companies need to respond to market demands, pandemic related issues, and more than ever we do business using mainly online platforms. One of the main takeaways from this conference was how important it is for any organization to adapt swiftly and efficiently to change. The constant focus on the development and wellbeing of employees is the key part of the overall success and stability of the business. Irrespective of whether the business is goods or services, overall performance depends on its people. Renowned author and expert in management studies, Professor Henry Mintzberg explained how management positions did not automatically imply leadership skills. He stated that we become leaders only when there is a group of people ready to follow us and work together towards mutual goals.

The role of the leaders is constantly increasing as explained by Dejan Cvetkovic, CTO of the Microsoft Development Center in Serbia, who spoke about the importance of the initial motivational speech by the team leader, where employees are presented with the project or company vision and mission, and they contribute with their ideas. In this way, employees find their place and greater meaning in their work.

NST Head of HR Ljiljana Madzarevic attended the event as a member […]

HR World Event2021-12-02T12:30:26+01:00
25 Nov



The Energy Investment Risk Assessment (EIRA) Report is a publication of the Energy Charter Secretariat that evaluates policy, regulatory and legal risks relevant to investment in the energy sector.

It assists governments to identify and eliminate risks in their regulatory and legal environment which impede the inward flow of investments. It is of essential value for modern states and governments in terms of planning and inducing of investments in the energy sector.

This assessment provides profoundly selected and analyzed information, which tend to comprehend foresight policy, management of decision-making process and future regulatory changes.

We are glad and honored that we have taken a part in making of this assessment related to energy investment situation in Montenegro. This was a unique chance for us to show that legal field is not only closely related to regulatory and laws, but that it also includes anticipation, creative assessments and wide range of knowledge collected from the other business fields.

15 Oct

NBA star promotes Serbian prime beer



NBA MVP Nikola Jokic has become the official promoter of Jelen pivo (Jelen beer), the best selling product of NSTLAW client Apatinska pivara Apatin (Member of Molson Coors).


Andjelka Radovanovic and Jelena Zivkovic advised on the Agreement and are proud to be part of this amazing project.



NBA star promotes Serbian prime beer2021-10-15T12:56:55+02:00
23 Sep

IUS Summer School of International Arbitration


On 18 September 2021, Sara Pendjer, attorney at law from our law office, participated as a panelist at the Summer School of International Arbitration, organized by the International University of Sarajevo Faculty of Law in partnership with Association Arbitri. The panel composed of Tamara Manasijevic (Andreas Reiner law office, Vienna), Nevena Jevremovic (Honorary Lecturer at the University of Aberdeen, School of Law) and moderator Boris Prastalo (Assistant Professor at International University of Sarajevo) discussed the Future of Arbitration in South-East Europe: A Perspective of New Kids on the Block. In an hour and a half lecture, students had the opportunity to hear how to kick off an arbitration career, what should be done, apart from office work, in order to build successful career in arbitration, what perspectives and challenges that entailed in South East Europe, etc. These conversations also dealt with the ways to best present the option of arbitration to the clients that would benefit from it, and who plays pivotal role in arbitration.

IUS Summer School of International Arbitration2021-09-23T09:53:28+02:00
29 Jul

New Standard Contractual Clauses for the Transfer of Personal Data to Third Countries Commission implementing Decision (EU) 2021/914


On 04 June 2021, the European Commission has adopted a new set of standard contractual clauses for the transfer of personal data to third countries pursuant to the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the European Council – General Data Protection Regulation (hereinafter: “GDPR“).

The adoption of new standard contractual clauses was inevitable, taking into consideration the fact that the previous set of standard contractual clauses was adopted before the adoption of the GDPR in 2016 (Regulation (EU) 2016/679), during the application of the Data Protection Directive (Directive (EC) 95/46) and the fact that more than 25 years have passed since their adoption, during which an accelerated development of technology happened, followed by the improvement of the way personal data is being collected.

A novelty, which appears within the nature of the new standard contractual clauses, is the fact that they can be used completely or partly as a model contract on the processing of personal data or other legal act by which the subjects regulate their relationship.

The new standard contractual clauses also bring us a wider circle of subjects whose mutual relationship falls under their regulation. Namely, the old set of standard contractual clauses regulated only the relations between the controller and the controller located outside the territory of the EU/EC and the controller and processor located outside the territory of the EU/EC. Therefore, the new standard contractual clauses expand the circle of entities whose relations regulate the regulation of relations between processors and processors located outside the territory of the EU/EC (sub-processor) and processors and controllers located outside the territory of the EU/EC.

Taking into account that the new set of standard contractual clauses has been adopted, the fate of […]

New Standard Contractual Clauses for the Transfer of Personal Data to Third Countries Commission implementing Decision (EU) 2021/9142021-07-29T10:05:01+02:00
29 Jul

Nove standardne ugovorne klauzule za prenos ličnih podataka u treće zemlje Sprovedbena odluka Komisije (EU) 2021/914


Evropska komisija je 04.06.2021. godine usvojila novi set standardnih ugovornih klauzula za prenos ličnih podataka u treće zemlje, u skladu sa Uredbom (EU) 2016/679 Evropskog parlamenta i Evropskog saveta – Generalna regulativa za zaštitu podataka (u daljem tekstu: „GDPR“).

Donošenje novih standardnih ugovornih klauzula je bilo neminovno, uzimajući u obzir da je prethodni set standardnih ugovornih klauzula usvojen pre donošenja GDPR 2016. godine (Uredba (EU) 2016/679), u vreme važenja Opšte direktive o zaštiti podataka (Direktiva (EZ) 95/46) i samom činjenicom da je od njihovog donošenja proteklo više od 25 godina, tokom kojih je došlo do ubrzanog razvoja tehnologije, ali i unapređivanja načina prikupljanja ličnih podataka.

Novina koja se javlja u samoj prirodi novih standardnih ugovornih klauzula je činjenica da se one kao takve, mogu u celini ili delimično koristiti kao model ugovora o obradi podataka o ličnosti ili drugog pravnog akta kojim subjekti regulišu svoj odnos.

Nove standardne ugovorne klauzule donose nam i širi krug subjekata čiji međusobni odnos potpada pod njihovo regulisanje. Naime, stari set standardnih ugovornih klauzula regulisao je samo odnose između rukovaoca i rukovaoca koji se nalazi van teritorije EU/EZ i rukovaoca i obrađivača koji se nalazi van teritorije EU/EZ. Stoga, nove standardne ugovorne klauzule proširuju krug subjekata čije odnose regulišu na uređivanje odnosa između obrađivača i obrađivača koji se nalazi van teritorije EU/EZ (podobrađivač) i obrađivača i rukovaoca koji se nalazi van teritorije EU/EZ.

Uzimajući u obzir da je donet novi set standardnih ugovornih klauzula, sudbina starih je takva da će one važiti zaključno sa 27.09.2022. godine, do kad je potrebno da subjekti svoje odnose regulišu na nov način, tj. pređu na nove standardne ugovorne klauzule.

Nove standardne ugovorne klauzule za prenos ličnih podataka u treće zemlje Sprovedbena odluka Komisije (EU) 2021/9142021-07-29T09:59:16+02:00
16 Jun

Ministarstvo rudarstva i energetike i vodeće kompanije iz oblasti rudarstva učestvovale u panel diskusiji organizovanoj od strane NSTLAW i CANSEE


Dana 15.06.2021. godine u prostorijama hotela Hilton održana je panel diskusija o poslednjim izmenama Zakona o rudarstvu i geološkim istraživanjima, u organizaciji NSTLAW u saradnji sa CANSEE – Kanadsko – srpskim poslovnim udruženjem.

Panel diskusija je otvorena nakon uvodne reči Nj. E. gdina. Džajlsa Normana, ambasadora Kanade, koji je posebno istakao da je Srbija postala jedno od najinteresantnijih tržišta rudarstva u Evropi, te da izmene Zakona predstavljaju pozitivan korak napred.

Nenad Stanković, osnivač i stariji partner u Advokatskoj kancelariji „Stanković i partneri“ (NTSLAW) je bio moderator panel diskusije, a u diskusiji su učestvovali panelisti: Nj. E. gdin. Džajls Norman – Kanadski ambasador, gđa. Mirjana Dončić–Beaton, CANSEE – Kanadsko – srpsko poslovno udruženje, gđa. Dragana Jelisavac Erdeljan, Ministarstvo rudarstva i energetike, gdin. Nenad Rakić, Balkan Gold, gdin. Dušan Simić, Jantar grupa, gđa. Marijanti Babić, Rio Sava Exploration. Pored predstavnika Ministarstva rudarstva i energetike i panelista, predstavnici kompanija Rio Tinto, Zijin Mining, Dundee Precious Metals, Balkan Gold, Adria Minerals, Mundoro Capital i ostali su uzeli aktivno učešće u diskusiji.

Vlada Republike Srbije je ukazala na glavne izmene zakona, te nove mogućnosti za investitore u ovoj oblasti. Dragana Jelisavac Erdeljan rekla je da očekuje da će izmene dovesti do modernizacije u oblasti rudarstva, te da je cilj novog Zakona da se otklone nedostaci koji su uočeni u praksi prilikom primene starog zakona.

U pogledu nove mogućnosti da investitor i Republika Srbija zaključe investicioni sporazum, Marijanti Babić istakla je da je takva mogućnost postojala i ranije, ali u drugačijem formatu, kao i da je investicioni sporazum institut koji dugi niz godina postoji u  Australiji, Portugaliji, Rumuniji, Grčkoj.  Takvi sporazumi će biti detaljnije regulisani i podzakonskim aktima koji će biti doneti u skorijem vremenskom periodu. Marijanti Babić je takođe istakla da smatra da je novina u pogledu predviđanja bankarskih i korporativnih […]

Ministarstvo rudarstva i energetike i vodeće kompanije iz oblasti rudarstva učestvovale u panel diskusiji organizovanoj od strane NSTLAW i CANSEE2021-06-16T16:49:37+02:00
3 Jun

Join us on the upcoming webinar Costs of arbitration: From pitching to enriching


We are pleased to announce upcoming webinar Costs of arbitration: From pitching to enriching organized jointly by Arbitral Women and Arbitration Association Under 40 that will be held on June 10, 2021 at 3 p.m. Our team member Sara Pendjer will be giving opening remarks.


Videoconferencing details will be provided upon registration. Please register by e-mail to events@nstlaw.rs.

Join us on the upcoming webinar Costs of arbitration: From pitching to enriching2021-06-03T15:45:12+02:00
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