9 Aug

Stankovic & Partners ranked by IFLR 1000


We are excited to share that IFLR1000 rankings are out and Stankovic&Partners have once again been ranked in the practice areas: Financial and Corporate and Project Development.

We continue to advise our regional and international clients on corporate deals including restructurings and acquisitions in Serbia. We act alongside international law firms to provide local counsel on large multi-jurisdictional transactions such as capital increases and acquisitions.

Our Senior Partner Nenad Stankovic has been rated as Highly regarded in the practice areas of M&A, Project Development, Project Finance and Real Estate acquisitions.

Stankovic & Partners ranked by IFLR 10002022-08-09T09:49:31+02:00
29 Jul

Nenad Stankovic attended IBA Law Firm Management Academy in London


It was great to attend the IBA Law Firm Management Academy at King’s College London this week. A combination of excellent content which I look forward to implementing when I get home and a wonderful network of colleagues sharing their experience. Not to forget Professor Richard Susskind’s lecture on “What is the future of the Lawyers?”, taken from his book the “The future of the Professions”, which was inspiring.

Nenad Stankovic attended IBA Law Firm Management Academy in London2022-07-29T11:13:44+02:00
18 Jul

Guinness Distribution approved


Apatinska Pivara and Trebjesa (members of Molson Coors Group), two of the largest breweries in Serbia and in Montenegro, are partnering up with Diageo Ireland, one of the best known and largest beverage producers in the world. The Competition authorities of Serbia and Montenegro have adopted exemptions of arestrictive agrement to allow for its distribution.

NSTLAW competition team, Associate Mitar Simonovic and Legal Trainee Teodora Markovic, alongside Senior Partner Nenad Stankovic, provided comprehensive legal support for the individual exemption proceedings led before both the Serbian and Montenegrin competition authorities, supporting Apatinska Pivara and Trebjesa grow and widen their portfolio for the enjoyment of all beer lovers in both Serbia and Montenegro.

Guinness Distribution approved2022-08-02T11:35:24+02:00
4 Jul

NSTLAW exclusive country contributor to the CEE Legal Matters Comparative Legal Guide


The firm has been invited to be the exclusive country contributor to the CEE Legal Matters Comparative Legal Guide: White Collar Crime 2022 for Serbia. The White Collar Crime Guild 2022 provides critical information on the legal framework regarding bribery and corruption in the CEE region. It allows for a comparison between jurisdictions as to how bribery is defined, if there is criminal liability for corporate entities, what are the sanctions and limitation periods, whether are there any defenses, and what is the role of anti-corruption compliance. In short an essential guide for corporate in house counsels and alike to ensure they are compliant in multiple jurisdictions.

For more details, please follow the link below:


NSTLAW exclusive country contributor to the CEE Legal Matters Comparative Legal Guide2022-07-04T16:18:24+02:00
1 Jul

ORGANIC FOOD AND BEVERAGES PRODUCTION Lotika Mokra Gora and TMB Diamond Voćar Pancevo joined forces Movie director devotion to ecology and health food production



We are pleased to announce that two Serbian companies Lotika and TMB Diamond Voćar established a partnership for the production of the organic food and beverages.

This cooperation results from the common goal of Lotika, its owner professor Emir Kusturica (movie director), and TMB Diamond Voćar, owned by Tešo Marković, to provide health-safe food and drinks.

Lotika is a company well-known for its unique way of pursuing hospitality and tourism in Mokra Gora region in Serbia (Mecavnik) , as well as cultural activities (Küstendorf Film and Music Festival), whereas TMB Diamond Voćar doo is a sister company of DOO TMB Diamond Pančevo (link), renowned in organic fertilizers and plant protection business.

NSTLAW provided assistance in establishing an adequate legal frame for the partnership and in coming up with a tailor-made legal model. The team was led by Nenad Stankovic, Partner, together with Andjelka Radovanovic, Senior Associate, and Teodora Markovic, Legal Trainee.

ORGANIC FOOD AND BEVERAGES PRODUCTION Lotika Mokra Gora and TMB Diamond Voćar Pancevo joined forces Movie director devotion to ecology and health food production2022-07-01T16:01:26+02:00
3 Jun

Stankovic & Partners representing investors in ICSID case


The Firm represents Cypriot and Canadian investors in a new investor protection case against the Republic of Serbia. The case was registered on 27 May 2022 before the International Center for Settlement of Investment Disputes, under the case no. ARB/22/14. Currently, there are 7 pending arbitrations against the Republic of Serbia before ICSID.  NSTLAW team is acting in four of them and this experience is hugely beneficial for our clients. We are also proud to be Co-Counsel along with the international dispute resolution team of Squire Patton Boggs for the second time.

For more information, please visit the link.

Stankovic & Partners representing investors in ICSID case2022-06-03T16:17:23+02:00
30 May

Tijana Milisic completes Leader Project Serbia


Tijana Milisic, Junior Associate, completed the mini-MBA educational program “Leader Project Serbia” 2022, organized by CANSEE, the Canadian Serbian Business Association in cooperation with Ivey Business School at Western University, Serbian Chamber of Commerce and the Embassy of Canada in Serbia. Together with 45 colleagues from the business community, Tijana was selected so that she may better understand the context of corporates and serve them more efficiently as a lawyer.

The focus of the ten-day intensive training was to learn the entrepreneurship skills, such as business management and strategy, finance, marketing etc. The whole program was designed in the form of workshops as per MBA programs.

The lectures and workshops were presented by Canadian instructors Jessica McEwen, Ryan Cheng, Sonya Zhang, Danial Agha, Jessie Gill and Glen Hébert from the Ivey Business School at Western University, one of the best ranked business schools in the world. The academic content was accompanied by visits to various organizations, such as ICT Hub, the Embassy of Canada in Serbia, NALED and FEFA Faculty, as well as social events.

Congratulations to all participants, instructors and organizers- now to implement all this knowledge in practice!


Tijana Milišić je završila program Leader Project Serbia

Tijana Milišić, mlađi saradnik, završila je mini-MBA edukativni program „LEADER Project Serbia“ 2022, koji je organizovan od strane CANSEE Kanadsko-srpsko poslovnog udruženja u saradnji sa Ivey Business School Western Univerziteta, Privrednom komorom Srbije i Ambasadom Kanade u Srbiji. Zajedno sa 45 kolega iz poslovne zajednice, Tijana je odabrana kako bi bolje razumela kontekst korporacija i efikasnije im pružala usluge kao advokat.

Fokus desetodnevne intenzivne obuke bilo je učenje preduzetničkih veština, kao što su poslovni menadžment i strategija, finansije, marketing itd. Ceo program je osmišljen u formi radionica u stilu MBA programa.

Predavanja i radionice su držali kanadski instruktori Jessica McEwen, Ryan […]

Tijana Milisic completes Leader Project Serbia2022-05-30T14:34:13+02:00
11 May

Stankovic & Partners (NSTLAW) has joined the Lawyer Network


Tijana Milisic, Junior Associate has joined the Lawyer Network behalf of Stankovic & Partners (NSTLAW) as the exclusive Data Protection member for the Republic of Serbia.
The Lawyer Network is the next generation network for finding a specialist lawyer for global business requirements with a collection of 600+ of the world’s leading lawyers and experts in over 90 jurisdictions globally.
Membership in the Lawyer Network is just one of many collaborations that NSTLAW has with colleagues around the world and we hope that this trend will continue.
Data Protection has to be one of the hottest legal topics globally affecting everyone everywhere. The NSTLAW firm decided to invest in developing this practice area so please contact us with any questions you have regarding personal data protection.

Advokatska kancelarija Stanković & Partneri (NSTLAW) se pridružila organizaciji the Lawyer Network

Mlađi saradnik Tijana Milišić, u ime advokatske kancelarije Stanković & Partneri (NSTLAW), pridružila se organizaciji the Lawyer Network, kao ekskluzivni član za zaštitu podataka u Republici Srbiji.
The Lawyer Network je mreža sledeće generacije za pronalaženje specijalizovanih advokata za globalne poslovne zahteve, sa 600+ vodećih svetskih advokata i stručnjaka u preko 90 jurisdikcija širom sveta.
Članstvo u the Lawyer Network je samo jedna od mnogih saradnji koje NSTLAW ima sa kolegama širom sveta i nadamo se da će se ovaj trend nastaviti.
Zaštita podataka je jedna od najaktuelnijih pravnih tema na globalnom nivou koja na svim poljima utiče na svakoga. Kancelarija NSTLAW je odlučila da investira u razvoj ove oblasti prakse, tako da nas kontaktirajte ukoliko imate bilo kakva pitanja u vezi sa zaštitom ličnih podataka.

Stankovic & Partners (NSTLAW) has joined the Lawyer Network2022-05-11T15:17:16+02:00
4 May

Mitar Simonovic speaks at the Serbian Renewables Market Round Table Discussion organized by CEE Legal Matters


Mitar Simonovic participated in the discussion organized by CEE Legal Matters on the status of the energy market in Serbia, with a particular focus on renewables.

Discussing hot topics in the field, from the perspective of current events that were impactful for the broader market of “green investing”, Mitar initially spoke of the ratio of green vs. carbon-based energy sources in Serbia, delving into the required standards of “clean energy” that the framework planning document attempts to clarify. Mitar spoke later on the current market players and major projects, turning to the opportunities arising from the hold-back in investments that is presently happening. He outlined current “streams” of green financing and ongoing and successful projects, speaking of the market participants that seem to be the go-to-financiers of projects that are of great impact for the industry. Finally he delved further into the current status of the market, pointing to the regulatory frameworks’ “bifurcations” and its current consequences, marking changes are expected to be taken for everyone’s benefit.

The full event is available online in the form of an article at the CEE Legal Matters’ website ( https://ceelegalmatters.com/serbia/19741-renewables-in-serbia-a-cee-legal-matters-round-table), as well as in the form of a podcast (https://open.spotify.com/episode/6MNLvlnXFao27iiryL7Suh?si=YWzIdM3PRrqjsefvzHebRg&nd=1).

Mitar Simonovic speaks at the Serbian Renewables Market Round Table Discussion organized by CEE Legal Matters2022-05-04T11:23:36+02:00
15 Apr

Luka Marosiuk spoke at the Young ICCA session about possibilities to resolve shareholders’ disputes through arbitration


Luka Marosiuk spoke at the Young ICCA session about one of the hot topics in our practice – the possibilities and obstacles to resolve disputes arising from the application of the Serbian Company Law through arbitration.

Luka Marosiuk is part of the Young ICCA Mentorship program and with the help and assistance of his mentor, Mr Andrew Clarke, Luka Marosiuk presented how Serbian Company law and Arbitration Law regulate these matters from a practical perspective.

Having introduced the types of companies in Serbia, their structure and bylaws, he went on to look into the subjective and objective motion of arbitrability, and its application to disputes arising from the application of the Serbian Company Law.

A key legal issue relates to whether all shareholders are bound by the arbitration clause contained in the Memorandum of Association of the Company and Shareholders Agreement even if they voted against it A further point was the application of the arbitration clause to shareholders after the insertion of the arbitration clause. An academic point relating to the capacity of the shareholders to claim direct and indirect damages suffered because of the breach of special duties in arbitration proceedings was also discussed.

The remainder of the presentation was devoted to examining options to resolve disputes arising from transactional corporate agreements via arbitration and thoughts on shareholders’ class-action arbitration and if there are other options to achieve a similar result.

This hot topic is of interest to all investors in the Republic of Serbia, as to the question of the validity of the arbitration clause, but also as a potential problem for recognition and enforcement of an international award or in annulment procedures of domestic arbitration awards.

Luka Marosiuk spoke at the Young ICCA session about possibilities to resolve shareholders’ disputes through arbitration2022-04-18T10:05:01+02:00
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